15th September-17th September 2015
Voice Wisdom
Still possible to join! Voice Wisdom, Laboratory and Festival !!! If you cannot participate in the whole month of work, please contact us ! We open door for part'time participation, with part-payment, as we know it is late this year :) Contact us! naturembodied@gmail.com
with Shai Dayan
15th-17th September 2015 (3 days)
& evening dance meditation with Zsófi Joós
How does it feel when our voice heals us?
Whats the secret of the power and flow that comes from music?
How can we create a safety meditative space with our voice where we can give our-self to the inner process, however it is deep and heavy meeting or light and pleasant.
How to improvise with our voice and instrument freely and lightly "just" in a way we are connected with the moment, with ourselves and with our partners??
Breath, move, feel your voice in different parts of your body, listen to the sounds, meet your silence...
Give a life long experience to yourself with exploring the Wisdom of your Voice.
Shai Dayan is a musician, singer and a voice healer. A multi instrumental improvisation artist, composing music for movies and for dance performances.
He had been studying philosophy in India and meditating for 5 years. The last 15 years he has been exploring the connection between music, sounds and meditation, and their use as tools to unfold our true nature.
Shai created research program 'The wisdom of the human voice', which he teaches in Israel and Europe, sharing his method under the name of Voice Wisdom.
Voice Wisdom
Registration still open !!!!!
- Registration for Voice Wisdom >
(for non-Laboratory Participants)
- For Laboratory Participants the workshops is an integral part of work process.
Dance meditation
How to reach the state when we loose the dancer and become the dance
Explore the rhythm of your dance, the rhythm of your being.
You do not need to know how to dance. With some helping exercises we invite the ancient ability of ours when the dance is just coming naturally from our body, can it be light and elegant but also heavy and rigid.
As we let our emotions and inner sensations lead us, we travel more and more towards into our seed where there is only our dance, rhythm and our breath…
Joós Zsófi: "I am Red Moon according to Maya calendar whose task is to remind the entire possibilities and the eternal reformation. In 2004 i met first time with an approach where the dance is not a kind of art we show to the audiance but a tool for getting closer to ourselves and taking off our roles.
In 2005 I graduated as a Nia-dance teacher in London, in 2006 I met 5Rhythm and since then I have been doing classes, workshops and retreats.
Last year I could meet the 95-year-old dancer and dance healer Anna Halprin. All of these experiences helped me to let my intiutive dance meditation happen where each occasion is a new and miracle journey.
Voice is visible
"The voice is not only indicative of man'a character, but it is the expression of his spirit. The voice is not only audible, but also visible to those who can see it." Shai
A video about Shai Dayan workshops.
.. the crutial beginning of the Nature Embodied Laboratory.. as the experience is about tuning and sharing, we begin our journey with the voice.. meeting our silence and magic within..
Participation in the "Voice wisdom" due to open heart of Shai, and fundraising efforts and "miracle will" of the organisers is FREE of additional charge for Laboratory Participants !
For non-Lab participants, check info in "registration".
Register to be part of this unique the experience.
"The voice resembles condition of the spirit
From morning till evening one can see the weather - the weather created by oneself: whether it is warm or cold, or whether it is spring or winter.
One's voice is that barometer that shows to us what is coming, because what will come is the reaction, the result of what is created, and the voice is indicative of it." Shai
Lets meet with the Voice. Lets meet with the Soul. Lets meet our Nature.
Each soul & each voice is unique
"For every person, every soul must know that there is no other voice like his.
Besides this, every person is an instrument in this orchestra which is the whole universe, and his voice is the music that comes from each instrument. Each instrument is made distinct and particular and peculiar, so that no other voice can take the place of that particular voice." Shai
The voice is an expression of the spirit.
"If the spirit is soft, the voice is soft; if the spirit is hard, the voice is hard; if the spirit is powerful, then the voice has power; if the spirit has lost its vigor, then the voice loses its power." Shai